Assalamualaikum semua..=)
hr ni aku nk share pengalaman aku g interview..
interview yg aku g tu utk jwtn project manager..
wow..bunyi mcm gempak kn??haha..
hmm..mule2 aku igtkn sekali je intrviewnye..
tgk2, ade 2 round intrview plak..1st round & 2nd round intrview..
mmg dier tapis betul2 la ni..
ok, yg paling menakutkn, sepatah haram pn xde ckp bhse melayu mse intrview tu..
so aku pn kne r speaking london jgk..hehe..
x sngke..lulus plak 1st round intrview tu..
mse kt U dlu, ktorg ade dgr talk berkaitn etika pemakaian..
termasuk la utk g intrview..dier kate seelok2nye jgn pkai bju kurg..
nk taw sbb ape?org tu ckp, "the thinner the material, the lower the formality"..lbh kurg cmtu la..hehe..
hmm..selain tu, klau blh jgn pkai bju yg melebihi 3 wrne..klau nk g interview utk jawatan badut sarkas, br blh pkai byk2 wrne..hehe..
selain tu, klau blh, digalakkn utk ber'make-up' skit..biar muke tu xde la dull sgt..
so aku pn pkai la celak..biar nmpk berseri skit..hehe..
ok la, let see ape yg aku pkai utk g 1st round intrview tu..hehe..
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comel x??sape berani ckp xcomel, meh sini aku cili2 mulut dier..penat aku bersiap..hehe..
ok, beberape hr lps g 1st round intrview, aku kne dtg utk 2nd round intrview plak..
hmm..nk tgk ape yg aku pkai plak utk 2nd round intrview ni??hehe..jgn gelak taw..sbb agk over skit..
aku pn taw aku nmpk over mse 2nd round intrview tu..hehe
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aku pkai kasut ni..=) |
over kn?? xpe..aku suke..sbb wrne tu striking..nmpk la bersemangat skit..
lg 1, bg aku wrne pink ni melambangkn kelembutan+keperempuanan tu sndri..
tp bila dah combine dgn wrne hitam, nmpk mcm ade ketegasan disebalik kelembutan tu..hehe..pndai2 je aku ni..
anyway, xsngke 2nd round intrview tu pn aku lulus..
sbb 2nd round intrview tu a bit tough..mule2 aku kne join morning meeting..kne buat senaman pg yg hyper active tu..hehe..start dr situ la diorg judge kita..
selain tu, aku dibawak utk outdoor events utk diorg tgk cara kite bercakap dpn org rmai..
yela..nk jd manager, mne blh malu2+xde keyakinan dri kn.. aku kje ni xlme..4hari je..haha..nsb baek blh resign on the spot..
hmm..i realize that kje tu xsesuai dgn jiwa aku..
lupe nk ckp td..jwtn tu bkn project manager utk engineering utk project lain..
aku masih syg lg civil engineering..hehe..
tp ok jgk la..sbb aku dpt byk sgt pengalaman spnjg 4 hari tu..
kje tu build self-confidence utk dri aku yg cepat nervous ni..hehe..
aku jgk dah berpengalaman pergi office to office dan bercakap dgn org2 besar..
up until now aku masih x pcye yg aku blh buat!! dah la speaking london all the time..hehe..
lg 1, spnjg kje tu kte xblh pkai baju traditional clothes allowed..
Chinese xleh pkai Choengsam, Indian xleh pkai Sari, Malay xleh pkai Baju Kurg..fair & square kn??
hmm..but actually jiwa kemelayuan aku ni masih kuat lg dlm dri..cehhh...=p
sbnanye aku x suke sgt g kje pkai bju2 office ni..aku lg prefer pkai bju kurg..=)
mcm ni.......
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ayu kn klau pkai bju kurg?? mntg2 pkai bju kurg, dan2 tu tgn aku jd mcm nk nasyid..=p <abaikn beg2 aku yg bersepah tu..haha> |
ok, cukup2 la aku merepek utk hari ni..hehe..
continue esk2 pulak eyh..
ok, hv a nice day..tata..=)
"the thinner the material, less corporate"
makcik tu kata.
aku suka yang first tu.
jaket hang lawooooo.. :D
tu eyh mak cik tu ckp?aku lupe..hehe..
aku sbnanye igt nk bli coat..
tp mahal la plak..
so aku bli jaket je..
cntik eyh?..tq..=)
untung lah ada pengalamn keje..hikhik.
stail gk r dressup gitu...comey2 :D
tu la..bkn sng nk tgk aku stylo..haha..
waahhh...suke sngat2 org dlm gamba tu...hehehe...pkaian first class...:)
tq ponpon..=)
same2 dumdum....
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